These days, I've sworn off all fast food except for the occasional Taco Bell when I've lost all self control and of course In-N-Out when I just feel like being naughty. Because everyone knows, if you have to choose fast food, it's the healthiest to pick from because of their fresh ingredients. I order grilled cheese animal style and sometimes a fries and it hits the spot everytime.
Now to quell the guilt a little more, I'm happy to report that In-N-Out has changed their serving trays from the old style throw away cardboard to red plastic re-usable ones. That's for dine in only. It helps, but as one informed diner told me, the 2 worst contributers to global warming are cars and cows. So by eating there, I'm contributing to global warmning? Man, it feels like I can't do anything without being dirty.
Maybe I can buy some carbon points to offset the damage I'm doing just by supporting them. That's ridiculous! At this point, I think the best thing I can do is continue to find the businesses that are at the very least taking baby steps towards less pollution and encourage and congratulate them. So here's to In-N-OUT for not only making the healthiest fast food, but for making a step towards being healthy for the environment.

www. myspace.com/escapingzane