Monday, April 30, 2007

the IN-N-OUT Conundrum

IN-N-OUT. The very words conjure up memories of the back of my mom's Chevy station wagon on the way back from the beach. After a long day at T-street beach, and I mean we got there by 11 and stayed til the sun went down, my fabulous mother would pack up 7 sunburnt kids, 5 sandy boogie boards, 7 dirty towels, 2 empty coolers, and leftover snacks back into the old grocery getter and head back home. With a car full of screaming hungry kids, I think it was hard to resist that stop, right off the freeway, the beautiful and delicious In-N-Out. Oh glorious In-N-Out. It shut us up, and made everyone's belly happy.

These days, I've sworn off all fast food except for the occasional Taco Bell when I've lost all self control and of course In-N-Out when I just feel like being naughty. Because everyone knows, if you have to choose fast food, it's the healthiest to pick from because of their fresh ingredients. I order grilled cheese animal style and sometimes a fries and it hits the spot everytime.

Now to quell the guilt a little more, I'm happy to report that In-N-Out has changed their serving trays from the old style throw away cardboard to red plastic re-usable ones. That's for dine in only. It helps, but as one informed diner told me, the 2 worst contributers to global warming are cars and cows. So by eating there, I'm contributing to global warmning? Man, it feels like I can't do anything without being dirty.

Maybe I can buy some carbon points to offset the damage I'm doing just by supporting them. That's ridiculous! At this point, I think the best thing I can do is continue to find the businesses that are at the very least taking baby steps towards less pollution and encourage and congratulate them. So here's to In-N-OUT for not only making the healthiest fast food, but for making a step towards being healthy for the environment.Todd from the band Escaping Zane enjoys his In-N-Out burger.

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